Sunday, September 22, 2013

Parties and Tchaus

Today is my last full day in the US of A until December of 2015... It seems o so far away, but I know it will fly by. Yesterday my families had a going away party for me. It was so much fun to see all of my family and friends in the Chicago area. I can't believe how much support I have. My cousins and I stayed up entirely too late watching youtube videos and drinking beer while enjoying the great life in our country together. Then we woke up nice and early to grab a hugeeeee breakfast with a bunch of my family. I devoured a spinach, feta, and mushroom omelette. After I went to my cousin Jamie's engagement party. It was great to see her and my family over there as well. Tomorrow, however, I depart Chicago at 9:55 am. I will be headed for Philly. I should arrive a little after noon, and be there the following day as well. We will have a conference in the afternoon and then take a bus at 2am on the 25h up to New York. That same day we will fly out of JFK to Africa... That is a scary thought... 50 or so emotional and excited Peace Corps Volunteers on an airbus for 16 hours to South Africa where we will catch a connecting flight to Maputo, Mozambique. I am so excited, just typing this blog post is making my heart race. I hope to have some great stories and tell about some amazing people that I will meet over the next few days! I will leave you with one of the youtube videos that my cousins and I discovered last night... (Jon shared this one with us)

Weird, but oddly hilarious

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