Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Lists of 10

As I laid in my bed last night, I had a thought. Ughhhh, I really don’t want to get up to turn off the light. That was the first time I have had that thought in almost 11 months. Living in Imala, without electricity, I never had to worry about that. Once it got dark, it was dark. There was no light pollution, and no lights to turn off before heading to bed. Here in Lichinga, life is different. Let me continue this by saying there are a lot of things that I have not done or said since getting into the Peace Corps. It is the culture difference that makes Peace Corps a NEW experience, but it is the subtleties of the Peace Corps that make service such a crazy different experience. Around 10 months in Mozambique so I will share a few lists of 10.

10 Things I have not done in 10 months

1)    Driven a Car

2)  Stepped on carpet

3)  Taken a hot shower before school

4)   Used water from plumbing

5)   Used an oven (I frequented making a dutch oven over coal)

6)   Gone to a movie theater

7)   Drank a Miller High Life/Lite

8)   Eaten a hamburger (exist here, just have never eaten one)

9)   Seen a Microwave

10)                      USED A DOOR KNOB

10 Things I have missed for 10 months

1)    My record player and albums

2)  My Wok (so easy and awesome to cook on)

3)  Paved roads

4)   Reading the news

5)   Carpet

6)   Mattress (which thankfully I just got last week)

7)   Running water

8)   Reliable and Affordable internet

9)   Pizza

10)                      MY FAMILY

10 New habits I have gained in 10 months

1)    Boiling drinking water

2)  Bathing out of a bucket

3)  Washing clothes by hand

4)   Greeting every single person that you pass, every single day

5)   Drinking gross, nestle instant coffee

6)   Cooking on coal

7)   Working out daily

8)   Eating a diet of 90% vegetables and essentially 0% meat

9)   Not having any expectations

10)                      SPEAKING PORTUGUESE

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