Saturday, October 19, 2013

Nothing Like the Lion King

So I have decided that Mozambique is nothing like the Lion King. The amount of chickens I have killed in order to make dinner is crazy. Today I actually held a chicken while a "Medicine Man" killed it in sacrifice for all the volunteers to have good luck. It was pretty intense. I knelt with him in front of all the new volunteers and staff as he killed the chicken and spread its blood on the tree we were gathered around. We then cooked the chicken, made some xima and ate haha.

The other day my entire lingua group, consisting of 5 of us, cooked lunch for out maes (moms). We made stuffed peppers, and they hated them haha. It was a lot of fun though. We got to learn how to cook here in Mozambique, share a great meal, and some great times between the 2 different cultures.

My family is very very awesome. My dad smuggles liquor, my mom works at the boarder of Swaziland, and my sisters all go to school.

Last weekend a group of us hiked up the mountain where the boarders of Swaziland, Africa de Sul, and Mocambique meet. It was soooo gorgeous. It took us about 5 hours round trip, but we got to just sit and stare at our new home.

Weather here is very crazy. One day it will be about 42 and sunny then the next day it will be 25 and rainy. Despite the weather changes I have yet to get sick. Keeping my fingers crossed. Last night was particularly crazy. A bunch of volunteers decided to go to Xaviers. It is a bar here in Namaacha. We had a blast. James, the bartender, actually opened up solely for us. His cousin had died that day and he said he was going to keep the bar closed all day out of respect, but he saw us come and couldnt resist opening. He loves it when the volunteers go hang there.

As of now I am just living day by day. Learning more and more Portuguese each day.


PS. I bought a capulana today. now i just need to find a tailor to make me a tunica out of it.


  1. They didn't like the stuffed peppers!? Maybe you and James should work together to recreate the infamous Blue Baboon drink from my 19th birthday - It sounds like they'd have just as much fun! Love that you have sisters, too. Keep up the posts, the updates are wonderful, Miss you, goober. Hakuna Matata!

  2. Mom? Dad? Sisters? Should I tell the rest of the family here in the states that you have adopted a new family and you have cut us out of your life forever? Hahahahahaha!!!! Just joking I know you are just saying this so they don't make you their next meal, hahahahaha. I hope they don't see this blog and if they do they have a sense of humor, hahahahaha. Wow that was alot of hahaha's sorry.
