Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Mozambique, so close yet so far.

I graduated, I visited the Southern Caribbean on Carnival (all the toilets worked), I've laughed, I've cried, and I have decided I am so ready for Mozambique. These next 4 months are going to be a struggle to get through. I can enjoy every moment of the day, but in the end my mind is constantly focused on moving to Africa. I have even transferred the Lion King Soundtrack onto my I-Tunes in preparation.
For those of you who do now know, I have been accepted to the Peace Corps and will be leaving for Mozambique Africa. It is situated just north of South Africa. I have found it most helpful to tell everyone that it is across the Indian Ocean from Madagascar. This gets the location correct in most peoples minds, however it also leads them to believe I will be hanging out with some talking animals.
I am ready to finish all my tedious paperwork, medical stuff, and get on to my staging date. We will meet for staging on September 24th, leave for Africa on September 26th, and return to the USofA on December 5th of 2015. It is so far away, but I know these next few months are going to fly by as I begin to learn Portuguese. I am curious to see how my 27 months in Mozambique are.

I have become aware that another Auburn graduate from the College of Science and Mathematics has the same staging date for the same program as myself. I encourage you to follow her blog as well for the next few years. carainafrica.blogspot.com

Pura Vida

1 comment:

  1. Woah thanks for the shout out! Nothing to see here...just creeping on your blog instead of packing. 7 days! :D
